RK Hosts

Music ,culture ,celebration, service,information probably these 5 words sum up my commitment to this trusted and old medium .......'.
Owner of RK ,CEO and Creative Director ,
leads Drive time Mon -Fri @ 8 am -10 am cst

SRachana Shrivasatava
Writer , Poet , Radio Presenter of a decade experience ,interviews promising talent in her weekly show " Sky full of stars" every thursday 6pm cst on Radio Karishma

Shilpa Lele
Cooking is passion!,Cooking is art!,Cooking is destress!and for some Cooking is Fun!
My Show "Food Fundas" is a small effort to give your same old recipes a small restaurant twists.With my habbit of surfing various cook books,websites and following Master Chef's
I try my best to give all possible tips to give your dishes a fingerlicking taste.
Catch up with my recipes on: moushomibose.wixsite.com/myblog

A passionate Radio host ,leads suprabhat & an absolute lover of music , here to infuse your mornings with heartfelt Happiness

Aditi Goel
writer ,lover of poetry and ghazals ,passionate mother turns Radio Presenter reciting her own written couplets while playing her fav ghazals in "gungunati ghazals " every friday 1pm cst
Moushomi Bose

Cute Title

Sapna Rana
Mother of Two...Motivational Public speaker ..preschool teacher ...loves reading
leads " dil ki bat aap ke sath " every tuesday 1 pm -2 pm cst
our affiliations
3 charms media , a digital marketing and brand managment company
SEWA DFW , non profit organization ,serving the community www.sewausa.org