Dear Family and Friends
Just wanted to say a final goodbye! Hold on guys, I am neither quitting from writing nor going into any wilderness. People must be wondering as to why I am saying Goodbye. I meant let’s all say Goodbye to the year 2021 and gear up to welcome 2022 with full fervor, ardor, and enthusiasm.
Through all sorrows and happiness, we have passed in 2021, now is the time when we are getting closer to yet another new year with many more promising prospects and opportunities to come. Though 2021 was an unforgettable and ineffaceable year for many including myself, we all are conscientiously waiting for our lives to be free from the deadly Covid 19 Virus. In the midst of craziness of this year we all must try to absolve people’s faults, jealousies and grudges in life. Life is too short to carry on this heavy burden on our soul. We all must try to accept people with all blemishes and spread the positivity all around us.
We control our own sufferings, and we are responsible for sabotaging our own happiness with fear. We keep crying over the relationships that did not work out or some friendships that have a tinge of bitterness. But maybe that relationship needs more time to blossom, or it is not worth it. Let bygones be bygones and follow the path of righteousness and positivity. Lord Buddha has rightly said “Pain is inevitable, and you chose to suffer, or not suffer.” Celebrate your loved ones, celebrate the people whom you value in your life and feel inspired by their rich values and attributes. Life is a continual change, and everything goes on with new beginnings. Work on initiating your plans with rigor and execute with audacity. The upcoming new year offers a perfect time to release the past and create a room for a bright and auspicious future.

Say Goodbye to the year 2021 with a fresh smile and explore new ventures in life to reach heights of success. Time is waiting and opportunities are gazing at us. Grab those opportunities and forget your fears and apprehensions. May the upcoming year give you loads of reasons to celebrate with laughter and gaiety. Cherish the memories that you have and be prepared to cherish the simple blessings that come your way. Set goals for the new year and prepare yourselves to welcome the new beginning with open hearts.

So, thank you everyone who stood by me this year when I needed you the most, thank you to all the special people who are very close to me and my family and last but not the least I would like to express my gratitude and thanks to the Almighty for giving me strength to overcome my fears, my struggles, and sorrows that was so hard to experience. Thanks, God, for all your blessings and the best yet to come!!!
Best Regards
Ms. Gagan Dhir
