The 3rd World Hindu Congress took place in Bangkok Thailand between 24th November
to 26th November 2023 with over 2200 delegates attending from around 60 countries across the the globe.

The event began with "Shankh Naad" by Swami Vigyananand ji who is main brain behind the concept of World Hindu Congress ,

after that "Deep prajwalan lead by Amma Anandmayi along with RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat opened the event with the theme " jayasya ayatanam dharma" meaning "Dharma, the abode of victory" .
7 parallel conferences were held ;
1 . world Hindu economic forum

2. Hindu Educational Conference 3 . Hindu Youth Conference 4 .Hindu Women Conference 5 . Hindu Political Conference 6 . Hindu Media Conference 7. Hindu Organizations Conference
there were parallel marathon sessions ran on every topic . Great speakers , leading voices from Corporate world , Academia , Politics , Media and leading hindu organizations heads , women leaders , youth leaders shared their thoughts, gave their deliberation on Hindu standing, achievements , challenges , directions on global stage .

some great launches were witnessed as far as creating hindu platforms or space is concern on OTT and digital media in the middle of hostility against hindus in main stream media and OTT platforms .
How the use of technology for example AI is being used to create fake narrative against Hindus world wide on different platforms and how to use the same to benefit hindu cause was also presented .
several start ups got to present , network with big corporate giants and got benefited via knowledge information and some through funding too in hindu economic forum.
Hindus presence in world politics was also highlighted ,many organizational heads like RSS chief Shri Mohan Bhagwatji , Chairman Akhshaypatra shri Madhu Pandit Dasa , Amma Anandmayi spoke and urged global hindus to work within , maintain hindu sanskaras follow Sanatana ethos of Vasudhaiva Kutumbkam philosophy yet remain strong , cohesive and united and fight against all fake narratvies created and paddled against hindus geared up with the strong foundation of Dharma and new technology tackling old and new issues .

WHC 2023 was culminated after two and half days of deliberation over several sessions and in the end summarized information shared and agenda and future actions were decided upon. in the end with very first declaration presented
where word hindutatva was firmly urged all hindu to adopt and shun hinduism .
concluding session's highlight was Amma Anandmayi's speech and darshan .
Over all WHC 2023 was a beautifully organized
event which flew very smoothly between different sessions ,starting from smooth registration process, security , ease of moving around in huge impact convention center , every session including lunch dinner tea breaks were always on time and well organized .
aesthetics were appropriate and interesting too for example the entrance having huge new Ram temple model and Bharat Mata statue set the mood right from the word go !

there were many moments where slogans like 'Bharat Mata ki Jai' and 'Jai Shri Ram' echoed the entire venue .
very lively and energetic vibe through entire event , ample of networking opportunities between sessions gave everyone to look forward to something more all the time .
Most of the dignitaries who were attending WHC for the first time were pleasantly surprised with number of attendees and also the massive event it turned out to be for them since more than 2200 delegates from 60 different countries were there to celebrate their Identity .

With 3 main stream media ANI , CNN news 18 and India Today being present there validated the interest in growing impact of WHC but

there need to be more presence of main stream from politics and media world wide to cover this very honest and genuine attempt to bring global Hindus together on one platform .
As founder of WHC Swami Vigyananand ji not only gave the analogy of soft laddoo and kadak laddoo
to explain his vision for hindus but also presented each and every delegate one box of both laddoos reminding everyone that hindus need to bind like kadak big hard laddoo which is strongly bonded and cohesive and cannot be broken into pieces as oppose to current situation of hindu society that is of soft laddoo which can be broken easily into pieces .
With the above vision WHC thrives to go bigger every time and marks to be held next time in 2026 in Mumbai Bharat at Geo cultural center .