It is an undeniable truth that there is no better feeling than going to bed late at night during vacations and not having to set an alarm for tomorrow morning. Returning to work after a relaxing and rejuvenating vacation is surely daunting. But the vacay mode is now over, and teachers are all set to go back to school and start the new session with a bang. Now is the time to ease into your workspace as the holidays are officially over and try to comfortably deal with the emotional aspects of getting back into work mode routine.
Being an avid educator here are my thoughts and feelings in the form of my self-composed poem “A New School Year, a new beginning”.
Vacations are finally over.
and it’s time to get back to work.
Teachers are ready and excited.
And am almost over from the holiday hangover.
Time to go back to school is almost here.
And we should not have any sort of fears.
I am so excited to welcome new smiling faces.
And make them comfortable in their own spaces.
My classroom is all set with a new theme.
And want my kids to cherish new dreams.
I want to welcome all students with a pleasant attitude.
And really wish to express my sincere gratitude.
Here we start the new school year with a vision.
And strive hard to fulfill our mission.
I promise each day will be fine.
It will be full of memories sweet and divine.

So, come on my fellow educators- let’s welcome our new students with a smile to embrace the new session with an open mind and willingness to learn. Let them explore their fullest potential in the best creative manner to experience the most rewarding academic momentous moments.

Let’s start this new year with a bang. Good luck my dear teachers and students!!!
Best Regards
Ms. Gagan Dhir
